Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation
Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
Baby’s job in labor is to rotate!
Each class is 3 hours long and will be facilitated in person at your home at your scheduled class time.
Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth!
During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and it’s muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!”
Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
Baby’s job in labor is to rotate!
Registration will include:
Your complete registration will provide you with class materials and access to the QCity Doula private Facebook group where you will receive personalized support, community and continued education even after the class has ended.
Classes are privately held inside the comfort of your own home.
Because this class will offer comfort measures and exercises that are supportive during both pregnancy and birth, this class can be taken as early as 16 weeks but it is most ideal to begin around 20 to 30 weeks.
Each registration includes the birthing person and their partner.
Please wear comfortable clothes for movement. This class is hands-on with prenatal exercises including inversions.
Please speak with your care provider before taking a
Please speak with your care provider before taking a Spinning Babies® class.​
Class fee is $375
All class fees are non-refundable but fully transferable with prior notice and agreement.
What you will learn:
Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques
Daily Essential Activities
The Three Balancesâ„ help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.
Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily.
Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth.